Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday Morning

Good morning everyone and happy Friday we have made it to the end of the week. We have been getting a little snow here for the first time this winter, it is kind of nice to see the snow covering everything. As opposed to everything being brown and looking dead. How much snow do you have where you live? We are still lacking much precipitation for this winter, we need a good old fashioned blizzard with 4-5 feet of snow. That would be awesome to get that much snow in a short period of time, add in a little wind to that and everyone would be all freaked out by the snow and the wind. Do you enjoy the snow or is it just a pain to slog through, put on 3 layers of cloths to got out and start your car? Do you enjoy the winter time or dread it? 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Something new

Good afternoon everyone, this is just a short one today. If you have not ever eating a meal with chop sticks go and give it a try. If you have and have not done it for a while go and do it again. Try something new this week, either food, drink, or do something you have never done before. We live in a great world. Give something new a try. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Rainy January

Good morning everyone! It is Friday Woo Hoo!!! How do you spend your Fridays? Do you party like a rock star or just recover from the week of work? Do you get home on Friday night, plop in your recliner, have dinner and are done for the night or do you hit the door, clean up, change cloths and head back out the door? Do or you go right from work to meet up with friends and coworkers? 

Or does your significant other have a list waiting for you as soon as you hit the door, and you spend the weekend trying to mark things off of your list? Clean the gutters, take down Christmas lights before July, clean the car, fix the deck, repaint the bathroom, and install the new faucet. Are any of those things on your list? 

What every you do enjoy what are you doing, spend some time recharging yourself over the weekend. Enjoy a local, state or even Federal park, get out get some fresh air and enjoy the natural beauty of the outdoors. Sometime that is hard to do living in Indiana, as we have no mountains, grand valleys, tall timbers, or great natural formations. I would expect those that live out west take those thing for granted sometimes thought, when you grow up seeing these wonderful natural wonders you might just take them for granted. 

Have a great day everyone. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How kids treat their parents

Good morning everyone, it is almost the end of a short week. Holidays during the week always mess me up thought, have a couple of days off during the week and it just throws your whole schedule off. Any way on to my story. 

It just amazes me how grown children treat their parents. My fiance and I help her mom out a lot, she has some medical issues and can not get around so well anymore, and needs to see a variety of doctors for things. She needs help with cooking, cleaning, getting to the store, doctors office and other places. My fiance takes her to all the doctors appointments, to the store, and where ever else she needs to go. Her mom has taken her niece in to live with her because her mom does not want her any more, keep in mind that this daughter lives VERY close to her mother, and yet does nothing for her. Not to mention she sends her behavior issue child to live with her disabled Grandmother because she does not want to deal with her issues.   She can't help cook for her mom or take her mom to any appointments, to the store or anyplace else she needs to go. She confesses on Facebook how great her mom is and how much she loves her but does not lift a finger to do one thing. 
On of her other daughters lives in the same town, and confesses how much she loves her mom on Facebook, but only comes over when she needs something. She like her sister does not lift a finger to bring her a meal, take her to an appointment or anything else. 
Of her two sons the one only comes around when he needs something, the other one only sees his mom like once or twice a year and both of them live right in town where their mother lives. One is a successful business man that built his mother-in-law a apartment in his house. But he only comes to see his mom once or twice a year. 
I do not understand this at all, our parents did the best job they could in raising us! My mom gets around very well and is still very active, but when she needs help I go over and help her. I mow her yard, I help her in the garden spread mulch, run the weed eater and what ever else she needs help doing. If she could not get around or needed further care, my sisters and I would be there everyday to help her, we would take turns helping out. Cooking, cleaning, and running errands for her. I do not get how kids can not help out their parents, when their parents were so good to the kids. I am not saying they had a perfect childhood, but grow  up and take some responsibility for your self. Put your adult pants on and get over it. Help your mom or dad, sister or brother out, if the need the help. If my brother needed help I would drop everything drive 6 hours and help him out. I would gladly help my sister out with most anything they asked of me. I would watch their kids, pick them up from school, help them in anyway that I could. Families do not always get along, but when someone needs your help, just do it. Everyone wants to boo hoo at funerals, make all kids of promises about visiting more, helping more, and calling more, but how many of them back up with come out of their mouth with action? 

Sorry about the rant today, but this just really gripes me. Have a great day everyone. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

'Fiscal Cliff'

Good afternoon everyone. How was your New Years celebration, did you watch all of the games on New Years Day? Or what did you do on New Years Day, noticed many businesses were open. Did you have to work or did you get the day off to recover?

What is your take on this whole fiscal cliff stuff? Why did it take our government until the 11th hour to make a deal, when they all knew this was coming? What does this say about our government that they cannot agree on the important issues or they just push them off till a later time? I understand these issues are not easy ones to answer, but everyone has known about this issues for months. Why wait until the last possible day to put a band-aide on it and just partially fix the problem? Or did this come as a surprise to everyone?